Miley Cyrus turns up the heat in music video for rapper Big Sean
Hi-speed cinematography capturing exploding flowers and CG marble and lava environments combine with an increasingly seductive performance by Miley Cyrus in Big Sean’s hit song “Fire”
The CG team at Industrial Color built the black marble & oozing lava virtual set pieces and environment in 3D
Flowers were frozen in liquid nitrogen and exploded. Resulting images were re-timed and reworked in Flame.
— Big Sean discussing the reasoning behind featuring Cyrus in the music video for “Fire”
“I wanted somebody who was beautiful and I wanted to take her out of her element … She symbolizes the beauty of a lot of women overcoming different relationships and being as beautiful as a flower.
Director: Jack Heller and Matthew Williams
Production: MILK Studios / Cadence Productions
Studio: Industrial Color Brands, Inc.
Credits: Post Production Supervisor and Visual Effects / Finishing Artist.
Copyright: © 2014 Def Jam Recordings